proud co-organisers of Wigan Borough Business Awards 2025

saturday 27th september at the brick community stadium, wigan

EnergyAce Ltd

Company Name:

EnergyAce Ltd


3i Eaton Point,
Eaton Ave,

Email Address:

Phone Number:



Energy Management

EnergyAce is a national award winning energy management company & manufacturer of energy saving systems in the form of power factor correction, voltage optimisation, voltage stabiliser systems and energy metering delivering guaranteed energy savings on electricity bills since January 2002.

Targeting specific areas around inefficiency, EnergyAce manufacture both off the shelf and bespoke solutions for maximum impact and saving.

Our approach is unique, we listen to our clients to get a real understanding of their individual challenges around energy reduction and agree a long term deliverable strategy that typically will return energy savings of 10% – 16%.

Under our banner of Save & Protect, EnergyAce have been manufacturing solutions for many years across all commercial and industrial sectors worldwide in the form of power factor correction to ensure all motors and machines run more efficiently, voltage optimisation and voltage stabiliser systems to optimise voltage levels and return energy savings and energy metering to enable visibility of energy consumption to enable formation of an energy saving strategy.